Community Partners of Lubbock
Wednesday | January 26, 2022

To fulfill the mission of neighbors helping neighbors, South Plains Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up Board of Directors created a community grant program to better help local non-profit organizations.

Thanks to contributions made by Cooperative members, Operation Round Up awarded $24,000 in grants to 19 local non-profit organizations.

A recipient of an Operation Round Up Community Grant, Community Partners of Lubbock, assists families that take in children who are removed from their homes. To keep the children in their care, these kinship homes must pass a licensing home study which ensures the home is safe.

Community Partners of Lubbock used the grant money to purchase needed safety items such as fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide indicators, toolboxes and medication locks. SPEC’s generous donation will keep these children in the care of relatives and avoid placing them in foster homes.