South Plains Electric Cooperative strives to provide our members and our communities with accurate and appropriate information in a timely manner. For this reason, we value our relationships with representatives from various media outlets.
Press Releases
South Plains Electric Cooperative's Operation Round Up to Award Teacher Mini-Grants
South Plains Electric Cooperative Opens Operation Round Up Community Grant Application
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Electrical Safety Demonstrations in Lubbock - 2024
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Electrical Safety Demonstrations in Childress - 2024
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Electrical Safety Demonstrations in Spur - 2024
Lubbock Impact Receives $10,000 from South Plains Electric Cooperative and CoBank
Spur city pool Receives $10,000 from South Plains Electric Cooperative and CoBank
South Plains Electric Cooperative Recognized for High Member Satisfaction
South Plains Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up To Award Teacher Mini-Grants
South Plains Electric Cooperative Returns $3.5 Million to Members
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Electrical Safety Demonstrations in Lubbock - 2023
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Electrical Safety Demonstrations in Spur - 2023
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Electrical Safety Demonstrations in Childress - 2023
South Plains Electric Cooperative Director Retires with 41 Years of Service
Childress Fire Department Receives $10,000 from South Plains Electric Cooperative and CoBank
FiberMax Center for Discovery Receives $10,000 from South Plains Electric Cooperative and CoBank
Local Students Win Trip to Washington, D.C. - Lubbock Area
Local Students Win Trip to Washington, D.C. - Spur Area
Local Students Win Trip to Washington, D.C. - Childress Area
Local Students Win Trip to Washington, D.C. - Quanah Area
South Plains Electric Cooperative Opens Operation Round Up Community Grant Application
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Over 1,000 Students at Electrical Safety Demonstrations
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Electrical Safety Demonstrations in Spur
South Plains Electric Cooperative to Host Electrical Safety Demonstrations in Childress
Spur Volunteer Fire Department Receives $10,000 from South Plains Electric Cooperative and CoBank
Operation Round Up Scholarships Available
South Plains Electric Returns $3.1 Million to Members
Four Local Members Elected to Electric Cooperative Board
Childress Women’s League Receives $10,000 from South Plains Electric Cooperative and CoBank
Foster*A*Life Receives $10,000 from South Plains Electric Cooperative and CoBank
South Plains Electric Cooperative Returned $5 Million to Members
Operation Round Up Community Grants
Boots and Badges CoBank Matching Grant
South Plains Electric Mandated by SPP to Start Rolling Outages - February 16
Update on SPP Rotating Outages - February 16
South Plains Electric Mandated by SPP to Start Rotating Outages - February 17
Update on SPP Rotating Outages - February 18
About the Cooperative:
South Plains Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, serves over 55,000 connected meters in all or parts of 18 different counties.
The counties SPEC serves include the following: Childress, Cottle, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Foard, Garza, Hale, Hall, Hardeman, Hockley, Kent, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley and Stonewall counties.
South Plains Electric Cooperative serves 38,000 members and more than 63,556 meters throughout our service territory, with a 3% growth rate.
Rates vary depending on the type of service. Refer to to download the rate document. An average residential members’ cost per kWh is about $0.10.
We have 6,600 square miles of service area and 10,120 miles of line.
South Plains Electric Cooperative was “born” on the night of March 8, 1937, at a meeting held at the Lubbock Junior High auditorium.
South Plains Electric Cooperative, and all cooperatives, abide by The Seven Cooperative Principles: Voluntary and Open Membership, Democratic Member Control, Members’ Economic Participation, Autonomy and Independence, Education, Training and Information, Cooperation Among Cooperatives and Concern for Community.
One of the principles we abide by is Concern for Community. We demonstrate this in a variety of ways including giving away scholarships to local seniors, awarding mini-grants to teachers that teach at local schools, sending youth on the Government-in-Action Youth Tour, teaching safety to fourth graders at our fourth grade safety demonstrations, participating in countless walks for numerous charities, running a United Way employee campaign, sponsoring little leagues and much more.
One thing unique about cooperatives is that we do not have customers—we have members. One major member benefit comes in the form of capital credits and the Cooperative has returned over 50 million in cash to our members.
For the most up-to-date information, click here to view our 2020 Annual Report.
Useful Facts for Media
We post on Facebook if an outage affects 100 residential members or more. Like our page.
Find our outage map here.
We do not post outage updates on Twitter or Instagram, but we do post energy efficiency tips and updates on the Co-op. Follow us here: Twitter Instagram
Take a look at our service territory map.
Media inquires should be directed to:
Lynn Simmons, Director of Communications
Office: 806.775.7826
Cell: 806.790.7728
Whitney Bryant, Public Relations Specialist
Office: 806.775.7829
Cell: 806.789.9358
Jill Reece, Communications Specialist
Office: 806.775.7809
Cell: 806.983.9395
For more information about SPEC view these links:
Cooperative History
Board of Directors
The Seven Cooperative Principles
Annual Reports
Cooperative Bylaws