One of the cooperative principles emphasizes our commitment to the communities we serve. Several thousand members of the Cooperative participate in an innovative program, known as Operation Round Up, to provide funding for people and projects in our local communities.
Click here to view stories on recent projects supported by Operation Round Up.
Operation Round Up Teacher Mini-Grant Application
Apply Here
Operation Round Up Scholarship Application
The deadline has passed.
Operation Round Up Community Grant Application
The deadline has passed.
About The Program
Operation Round Up receives contributions from Cooperative members whose monthly utility bills are rounded up to the next dollar.
For example, if your monthly bill was $65.64, it is automatically rounded up to $66.00. The extra cents collected go to Operation Round Up.
The average annual contribution is about $6.00 per year per meter. If all of the Cooperative’s meters were enrolled in Operation Round Up, the fund would grow by more than $342,000 annually!
Ten members, your neighbors, sit on the Operation Round Up board. They review applications and approve grants. They are also the eyes and ears in your community for potential projects.
The Cooperative implemented Operation Round Up in 1993. Most of Operation Round Up's donations go to three categories:
individuals including: victims of house fires, medical tragedies, scholarships and teacher mini-grants.
communities including: youth programs, city and county projects and school projects.
organizations including: Neighborhood House, Women’s Protective Services, Assist Human Needs, Backyard Missions, Salvation Army, American Red Cross and others.
Contributions to Operation Round Up are tax deductible. If you are not currently enrolled in Operation Round Up you can sign up by using our contact form.
If you would like to opt out of Operation Round Up, you can do so by clicking the link below.