

South Plains Electric is proud to make scholarships available including The Operation Round Up Scholarship, Golden Spread Electric Cooperative Directors Memorial Scholarship and Texas Rural Electric Women's Association Scholarship.


Click here to view scholarship recipients for the 2024-2025 school year.

Operation Round Up Scholarship

The scholarship is available to an entering college freshman who is a:

  • member, or 

  • is a spouse, child or stepchild of a member, or

  • child whose guardian is a member of the Cooperative; or

  • person living in a home where the landlord is a member.

Applicants must reside in the Cooperative service area; participate in Operation Round Up; and attend a qualifying school. If you are not currently participating in Operation Round Up, we’ll automatically enroll you when you submit the scholarship application.

The qualifying schools are: Abernathy, Anton, Aspermont, Childress, Chillicothe, Coronado, Cotton Center, Crosbyton, Crowell, Estacado, Floydada, Frenship, Guthrie, Hale Center, Idalou, Jayton-Girard, Lorenzo, Lubbock-Cooper, Lubbock, Monterey, Motley Co., New Deal, New Home, Olton, Paducah, Patton Springs, Petersburg, Plainview, Post, Quanah, Ralls, Roosevelt, Ropesville, Rotan, Shallowater, Slaton, Southland, Smyer, Spur and Wilson. If you are attending a private school or are home-schooled, your application will be subject to eligibility verification.

Scholarships are available, each for $1,500, payable $750 for each of two semesters through the freshman year. Satisfactory scholastic performance and appropriate personal standards must be maintained for continuing eligibility.

Students must possess the qualities of honor, integrity, thrift and good moral character. The Selection Committee evaluates each student on financial need, community and school activities, awards and honors and educational goals. The information provided in the essay questions is very valuable to the Selection Committee.

Apply Here

Golden Spread Electric Cooperative Directors Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship is $2,000, payable $500 for each of four semesters through the sophomore year. The scholarship is available to graduating high school students attending a college, university or technical/trade school. The student must be a member, or spouse or child of a member, or child whose guardian is a member of South Plains Electric Cooperative.

The scholarship was established by James T. Hull, Dwight Hutchison and Connie Gupton. The Scholarship also honors the memory of Guy F. Kelley, Larry M. Lockwood, J.C. (Jim) Roberts, Weldon Gray, P.E., Robert "Bobby" Green, Kenneth Mathews, Richard "Dick" Montgomery, Louis Lloyd, Clark Andrews, Jim Payne, Lyle Robinson, Duane Lloyd, Stephen Louder, John Norman and Jimmy Stokes. The goal is to provide financial assistance for qualified individuals who seek a college or university education.

The deadline is March 1.

Texas Rural Electric Women's Association

Texas Rural Electric Women’s Association (TREWA) is offering 20 scholarships, at $1,500 each, to current TREWA members and their children. You can join TREWA at the same time you submit a scholarship application. Dues are only $10. Applicants must also be a current member of South Plains Electric Cooperative.

The objective of TREWA is to educate and create interest and understanding of rural electric systems and issues among the members and general public, and to present a unified front for the member-owned systems as they improve the quality of life in rural Texas.

The deadline is March 15.