Connecting Families for Generations
Wednesday | February 26, 2020


Many of us have special memories with our grandparents, and perhaps some of those memories include visiting the Co-op together.

Suzy Havlicek is the great, great, granddaughter of C.E. Lilley, a founding member of South Plains Electric Cooperative from Slaton. Suzy lives in Florida and her granny, Velda Lilley, lives in Missouri. Velda shared with Suzy the story of visiting the Co-op office and seeing her grandfather’s picture hanging on the wall.

Shortly before Christmas, Velda asked Suzy if she would be able to get her a copy of the photo. Suzy contacted us through Facebook and we were able to provide her with the photo.

After Christmas, Suzy sent us a follow-up message saying, “I didn't get to be there to see her reaction, but she was ecstatic on the phone when I called her. My Aunt Sam sent me a message that said: ‘Just want to say to you—thank you for what you did for Granny. We cried for a good 30 minutes. Mom's not been this happy in a long time. You've made us both feel so blessed. Love you very much. Merry Christmas.’ I was so happy to know of the joy they got out of it.”

This is just one example of how the Co-op can have a lasting impact on families for many generations.

Pictured above: Suzy Havlicek before sending the photo of C.E Lilley to her granny.

Pictured above: Anastasia and Nathanial, Suzy’s children who are C.E.’s great, great, great grandchildren.