Cooperative Membership Meetings
Wednesday | September 27, 2023

The 85th Annual Meeting of the Membership, held August 15 at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, was the grand finale of three membership meetings held this year. The first two membership meetings were held in July near our local offices in Spur and Childress.

As a consumer of South Plains Electric Cooperative, you are also one of the member-owners. As such, a cooperative business invites you to attend an annual membership meeting to hear reports, ask questions and elect your local board of directors.

We say “invite,” but, actually, it’s part of your responsibility as a cooperative member to be informed and participate in the governance of your electric cooperative. The success of South Plains Electric Cooperative depends on each individual member’s involvement.


Childress District Meeting

The Childress Membership Meeting was held on July 13 at the Mashburn Event Center. River Smith’s from Lubbock, served dinner to 252 members and guests at the meeting.

General Manager Dale Ancell held a question-and-answer session, giving members the opportunity to ask about the state of the Cooperative.

The evening always ends the same—with door prizes! The grand prize was awarded to CV Farms of Childress.


Spur District Meeting

The Spur Membership Meeting was held on July 20 at the Spur High School cafeteria and auditorium. The Cooperative appreciates being able to use the school’s facilities to conduct business inside, out of the summer heat. River Smith’s from Lubbock served dinner to approximately 140 members and guests.

General Manager Ancell held a question-and-answer session, giving members the opportunity to ask about the state of the Cooperative.

Employees handed out great door prizes, and the grand prize was awarded to Kathy Hale of Girard.


Annual Membership Meeting

The official Annual Membership Meeting is held in Lubbock where the Cooperative is headquartered.

Attendance was great this year, with 508 members registering for the meeting, and provided dinner for almost 1,375 guests, because members always bring their families. River Smith’s provided a delicious meal.

The business meeting was called to order, and the membership seated four directors to board positions. Directors elected were Lloyd Arthur, David Gossett, Jamie McNeill and Larry Browning. Cooperative Attorney Don Richards welcomed the members. General Manager Ancell held a question-and-answer session, giving members the opportunity to ask about the state of the Cooperative.

Winners of the door prizes were announced and passed out to those who were in attendance.

We thank our door prize sponsors: All-Texas Builders, Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Brazos Electric Cooperative, Primary Utility Services, SGS Engineering and Texas Electric Cooperatives.