The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Friday | January 27, 2023

Levelland Volunteer Fire Department

With their donation, Levelland VFD purchased four, 2.5-inch hydrant valves. These hydrant valves are quarter-turn valves which allow faster refilling of their trucks. Additionally, these valves will also reduce the time it takes to open and close a fire hydrant.


Roosevelt Volunteer Fire Department

Roosevelt VFD recently received funding to purchase a complete set of bunker gear for each member of their fire department. They used their Operation Round Up donation to buy 20 equipment bags that will keep their new sets together, as well as protecting their bunker gear while it is carried in personal vehicles or department trucks.


Crowell Volunteer Fire Department

Crowell VFD is currently working toward completing several major tasks, including a construction project in their meeting room, repairing a large generator and replacing a pump on one of their wildland engines. Their Operation Round Up donation will be used to help fund these necessary projects and repairs.


Wolfforth Volunteer Fire Department

With the help of their donation, Wolfforth VFD purchased training props that were greatly needed by their department. These props will allow for better emergency response preparation while training in a safe environment.