Thank You!
Tuesday | April 27, 2021

Since 1993, Operation Round Up has given $1,023,893 back to our communities through scholarships, teacher mini-grants, donations to volunteer fire departments, house fire victims and local charities. A 10-member board reviews applications and approves grants. They are also the eyes and ears in your community for potential projects.

This year we have three new directors on the board: Angela Arthur of Ralls, Kyle Benson of Hale Center and Tracey Gregory of Lubbock.

For the first time, our ORU board members began using a new program, Submittable, which allowed them to review and score 107 scholarship applications, all online. The board voted to award 52 scholarships for $1,000 each to local high school seniors. Check back in the July magazine to learn more about the recipients.

We would like to thank the Operation Round Up Board for volunteering their time to this worthwhile cause.