Vessels of Joy for Christ
Monday | November 29, 2021

To better help the communities we serve and further South Plains Electric Cooperative's Operation Round Up mission of neighbors helping neighbors, the Operation Round Up Board of Directors created a community grant program to help local non-profit organizations.

Thanks to our generous membership, Operation Round Up was able to award $24,000 in grants to 19 local non-profit organizations.

Vessels of Joy for Christ was a 2020-2021 Operation Round Up Community Grant recipient. This non-profit's main purpose is to be a vessel of joy during the holiday season. With the grant, they were able to create long-lasting memories by providing a Christmas Eve dinner to the Grace Campus and pass out blankets, Bibles and toiletries to those in need.

“Over a six-week time period, we will serve and be Vessels of Joy for Christ to a variety of kids, families, groups and community members,” Candace Wilkins said. “Through VOJFC, we will plant seeds to these different groups so they can experience a sign of HOPE.”